Cookie Law

According to the LSSI-CE (Law of the information society and electronic commerce) we advise you that in this web we use our own cookies and another third party cookies to get you a better browsing experience.


Anyway you are able to reject this process of data and information by blocking these cookies just configuring your own browser; although you should know it’s probably this web doesn’t work correctly.

We understand if you’re still browsing in our web, you are giving us your consent for using all of these cookies according to article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

However, we’re informing you below about cookies, what they are and how you can disable them.

What are cookies?

In this web we’re using a technical cookie, that is a small data file sent from a server to your web browser or mobile device that is stored on your browser cache or mobile device. This file doesn’t disturb anyway in your browser but it helps you to get a better experiencie in our web.

There are ways you can control your cookies preferences and set whether you want to accept or reject cookies (see what your options are below).

Your options when it comes cookies

You can change your web browser’s settings to reflect your cookie preferences. Use these links to find out more information about cookie settings for these common browsers:

  1. Internet Explorer
  2. Firefox
  3. Chrome
  4. Safari

Just keep in mind that if you disable cookies, there might be some functionality that will not work or not operate correctly on our sites. If you have any questions about our privacy practices, please contact our Privacy Officer in writing at

You can also reach more information about cookies at